Welcome to April’s edition of more free money from dividend investing.
Well April just flew by. I’m currently working on a turnaround so this month had many late nights and working one day each weekend did not give to much time for the moments we enjoy the most. We did however make the most of it and found time to spend some quality time together. Here are a few events that went down. Even though it’s been a crazy month we still managed to get some photos of these memories in the making:
- The family got to together to celebrate my beautiful Mom’s birthday. She sure was happy that day as even her daughter who is out of country also faced time in to celebrate on the celebration.
- My wife and I celebrated our 10 year of being together which reminds me just how far we have come. We were just young adults and really didn’t know what the future had in store. It’s been a great 10 years of having the love of my life beside me as we both pursue slightly different dreams individually with the same vision at the finish line.
- Zoey had dance competition where they won Gold. Very proud Dad right here!
- Maria traveled to Phoenix for a business conference where she also got recognized for her promotion to QNMD. Very proud of her!
- Colton watching his sister dance may be one of the most memorable moments caught in one photo.
- Now that winter is gone i think………… The kids and I have been spending lots of time outside where Colton has now learned how to ride a plasma car and Zoey has removed the training wheels from her bike to start practicing. I love these moments the most.
- We enjoyed Greek Easter with the in laws which also included a Easter egg hunt for the kids.
- We took in a moment of silence at work to honor those involved in the Humboldt Broncos tragedy. All CH workers at our site have placed a sticker on our hard hats to show respect and honor to the victims, the survivors and their families. It was pretty powerful to see as the communities around the world sent in donations as well as time, placed hockey sticks outside their doors and took part in jersey day. The world showed that day how much good there is out there. RIP and we will never forget you!
Portfolio details for April
I sold no dividend stocks this month
I bought no dividend stocks this month
Dividend increases as well as any dividend cuts
I’ve decided to add this category to the monthly post as I believe this is a very important metric in building a dividend portfolio.
I will share all my increases for the first four months of the year and starting next month I will do it on a month to month basis.
No dividend increases in January
No dividend cuts this month
PLZ.UN increased the dividend from $0.26 to $0.27 which is an increase of 3.85%.
ENF increased the dividend from $2.053 to $2.26 which is an increase of 10.05%.
No dividend cuts this month
MFC increased the dividend from $0.82 to $0.88 which is an increase of 7.32%.
XTC increased the dividend from $0.32 to $0.34 which is an increase of 6.25%
No dividend cuts this month
FRU increased the dividend from $0.05 to $0.525 which is an increase of 5%
No dividend cuts this month
2016 – 2017 – 2018 Dividends
Dividends received this month were $100.03. This should be a start of not seeing under $100 a month moving forward. Quite honestly I’m relieved as i am now starting to see why the dividend strategy is so effective if you stick to the course.
This is what i love about the dividend strategy. I truly did not have much time to focus on the portfolio as you can see. Yet the dividend portfolio continues to do its thing.
Dividends received per stock and if they’re set up within the DRIP program
April 2018 | Dividend Reinvestment Plan | ||
Chartwell Retirement Residents | CSH.UN | $6.77 | Not enough |
Cardinal Energy Ltd | CJ.TO | $8.68 | Yes |
Northview Apartment REIT | NVU.UN | $6.79 | Not enough |
Plaza Retail Reit | PLZ.UN | $8.47 | Yes |
Arc Resources Ltd | ARX.TO | $8.45 | Not enough |
Alta Gas Ltd | ALA.TO | $12.23 | Not enough |
Crescent Point Energy Corp | CPG.TO | $1.59 | Not enough |
Enbridge Income Fund Holdings | ENF.TO | $4.71 | Not enough |
Extendicare Inc | EXE.TO | $6.88 | Not enough |
Freehold Royalties Ltd | FRU.TO | $5.99 | Not enough |
Gamehost Inc | GH.TO | $5.18 | Not enough |
Sienna SR Living Inc | SIA.TO | $8.63 | Not enough |
Superior Plus Corp | SPB.TO | $8.22 | Not enough |
Diversified Royalty Corp | DIV.TO | $0.44 | Not enough |
Chesswood Group LTD. | CHW.TO | $7.00 | Not enough |
Total | $100.03 |
Currently putting cash aside and waiting for the right time as well as company to purchase. If May is consistent with most years we should see a bit of a sell off which will bring some better deals for specific valued companies.
Do you feel the same way?
Feel free to leave a comment and be sure to sign up for my blog via email to stay up to date with each post!
Thank you for reading and remember………
Invest in yourself

Great job and I’m proud of you too!
Nice Brian
Looks like a busy month. Congrats on hitting the 3 figure mark. Interesting about may, hopefully we do see a nice pullback.
Keep it up
Thank you! I’m pretty excited to hit the 3 figure mark and cannot wait until the 4 figure mark is achieved, I appreciate the support!
Glad i found your Blog. Very interesting and lots of down to earth reading. Love the KISS approach. I’ve been a saver all my life but have invested mostly into real estate but I have savings in Mutual Funds and Stocks since January of this year. I’ve read a bit on how much the mutual fund companies take of your wealth in fees over the long term and with this new information I’m slowly shifting into stocks and a self directed plan. I never had a good stomach for the ups and downs of the stock market, but now that my wife and I both have defined pensions, it makes taking the risk a little easier to swallow. We are currently hammering away at our mortgage and a rental property which we anticipate to have paid off in less than 3 yrs. Our plan will be to sell the rental and invest that money into REIT stocks and essentially get the rental income out of that but without the costs associated with the property such as upkeep, taxes, insurance, utilities etc. For example, we earn 700/mo rent currently, but if we invested for example 130,000 into the ARTIS REIT at $1.08/yr per share, (price currently 13.50/share roughly) this would give us 9600 shares roughly which equates to over 10 grand in income. No late cheques, no problems. Now, we won’t invest in just one REIT but you get the idea.
Now, if we reinvest that into DRIPs, well, the money tree will just keep growing.
We also pretty much beat the Hydro company to save more money and get it working towards us rather than the 6 million dollar man. We installed solar panels and hooked into a net metering program. Our hydro bill is about 22.00 a month for the line maintence fees that I can’t get out of paying. To off set that cost we bought (so far). 725 shares of Hydro One at .88 cents/year/per share so now the thugs are paying us. LOL! Had to invest a bit of money into solar but I’m young enough to get a good ROI.
Now, because of this strategy, we think differently. Instead of earning to but we invest to buy. So, for example, instead of just paying for gas for your car each week, invest in gas companies that pay div’s until you get enough invested that they are giving you the gas for free essentially. Think of all the products you buy and think the same way for them. Life, starts to get easier! Cool eh!
Thanks Darrell. You bring up some great points around mutual funds as I agree that they are famous for fees which over the long term is really hurting anyone’s portfolio.I recently read Tony Robbins “Money master the game” where he goes into detail on just how much you lose to fees if that money was working for you. The numbers are eye opening. When I first started purchasing stocks I too had an issue with watching the price and having a hard time stomaching it. Now however I do my best at analyzing companies and understanding sometimes stocks move on emotion and not necessarily the fundamentals of the company. Looks like your on the right path with your real estate property, I’ve looked into it in the past and came out with the conclusion that I would prefer to own companies in that sector that pay me a dividend and we don’t have to struggle with collecting rent and paying for repairs. Good on you to install solar panels to reduce your bills, long term that will definitely work in your favor. Love the investing in companies and using the dividends to pay your bills, great strategy! All the best to you!